Thursday, June 14, 2012

Identifying Primary/Standby db's.

Is there a way to tell if the database is a HADR Primary or Standby database when the database and instances are down. 
             Sure. Search (grep) for "HADR state" in the db2diag.log file (This file is present in the db2dump directory).  The last state in the search results will indicate what state the database was in before the database was shutdown. If the state is something that starts with 'S' (like S-Peer) then the database was a standby database and was in Peer state. If the state is something that starts with 'P' (like P-Peer) then the database was a primary database and was in Peer state.

Query on standby returns error SQL1773 RC5

 Read applications are supported on a reads on standby database. At some times, thought it might seem that the query is read only it fails to execute and an error is returned. I was asked the below question..

<Question> HADR ROS is enabled on the standby server. When I run a read only query on the standby, the query fails with error SQL1773 RC5. In the db2diag.log I notice the following messages

2012-06-12- I1749E551           LEVEL: Error
PID     : 23655                TID  : 47079342729536PROC : db2sysc 0
INSTANCE: hdrinst1             NODE : 000          DB   : HADRDB71
APPHDL  : 0-609                APPID:
AUTHID  : kkchinta
EDUID   : 46                   EDUNAME: db2agent (HADRDB71) 0
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, Common Trace API, sqlbfix, probe:123
MESSAGE : ZRC=0x80100469=-2146433943=SQLP_HDRS_READ_ONLY
          "The operation that attempted to modify the contents of the database failed"

2012-06-12- I2301E1262          LEVEL: Error
PID     : 23655                TID  : 47079342729536PROC : db2sysc 0
INSTANCE: hdrinst1             NODE : 000          DB   : HADRDB71
APPHDL  : 0-609                APPID:
AUTHID  : kkchinta
EDUID   : 46                   EDUNAME: db2agent (HADRDB71) 0
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, buffer pool services, sqlbFixAndSearchOneSMPPage, probe:800
MESSAGE : ZRC=0x80100469=-2146433943=SQLP_HDRS_READ_ONLY
          "The operation that attempted to modify the contents of the database failed"
DATA #1 : Page ID, PD_TYPE_SQLB_PAGE_ID, 4 bytes

DATA #2 : Object descriptor, PD_TYPE_SQLB_OBJECT_DESC, 88 bytes
    Obj: {pool:25;obj:2;type:128} Parent={25;2}
  lifeLSN:       7726780610111206
  tid:           0 0  0
  extentAnchor:                   0
  initEmpPages:                   0
  poolPage0:                      0
  poolflags:                   6112
  objectState:                   45
  lastSMP:                        0
  pageSize:                   32768
  extentSize:                    64
  bufferPoolID:                  13
  partialHash:           2147614745
  bufferPool:    0x00002ad1a226ce20
  pdef:          0x00002ad3438a6840
DATA #3 : Codepath, 8 bytes

<Answer> To explain the above failure on a high level -- Queries on the standby database can only make use of SMS system temporary table spaces. A query executed on the standby database that uses DMS system temporary table spaces may result in an error (SQL1773N Reason Code 5).  You can read this on the IBM doc's here. 

You can confirm if the table space used by the temp table is a DMS temp table space by looking at the Pool ID dumped in the diaglog. In the above diaglog, the pool ID dumped is 25. You can run a list tablespaces command to see if the table space 25 is a DMS temporary table space or not.  </Answer>