DB2 LUW HADR helpful bookmarks

My Contributions

 IBM , DB2 bookmarks 

  1. IBM support (Product documentation etc)
  2. IBM product information
  3. DB2 Database Version 9.1 for Linux, UNIX and Windows
  4. DB2 Database Version 9.5 for Linux, UNIX and Windows
  5. DB2 Database Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX and Windows
  6. DB2 Database Version 10.1 for Linux Unix and Windows


  1. DB2 HADR - DB2 High Availability Disaster Recovery WIKI
  2.  Initializing high availability disaster recovery (HADR) (v9.5)
  3. HADR Tunables - How to tune HADR for best performance. (Tips)
  4. IBM DB2 High Availability Disaster Recovery (HADR) Simulator
  5. Best Practices: DB2 High Availability Disaster Recovery
  6. Using HADR with Cluster Manager
  7.  DB2 system topology and configuration for automated multi-site high availability and disaster recovery. (Integrated HADR over WAN)
  8. How to calculate the flush size of my database/workload 
  9.  A practical guide to backup and recovery of IBM DB2 LUW
  10.  Integrated HADR solution (TSA and HADR )
  11. Long-distance HADR cluster automation using TSA
  12. IBM Red book - High Availability and Disaster Recovery Options for DB2 on Linux, UNIX, and Windows 
  13.  DB2 10.1 HADR Multiple Standbys whitepaper


  1. Continuous access to Read onStandby databases using VirtualIP addresses

Others - Papers

  1. Using High Performance Unload (HPU)  
  2.  Creating an active-active data warehouse topology using IBM InfoSphere Warehouse
  3. Purescale and Qrep.
  4. TSA automation with DB2 in a shared disk topology


  1. IBM Facts
  2. IBM database software news


Unknown said...

AT which version of DB2 the HA DR feature has been introduced??

Kiran K Chinta said...

HADR was first released in 8.2